Do you have pests in your compound? Are you aware that you can get rid of some of these pests by taking small, simple measures to curb pest infestations? Some pests might not require the services of a specialist. Sometimes a change in our lifestyle can be enough to kick out these unwanted guests especially if they are in your home.
However, if the situation looks out of control, we advise seeking a pest control expert. You might want to consider the control methods after extermination regardless, just to prevent them from coming back or even to kick them out if you think you can handle the situation.
Pest control involves containing and controlling the pests any given environment. They tend to be a nuisance to us and some are even health hazards. Some pests are known to occasionally attack human beings and can end transmitting diseases and infections. In some cases, pest situation can get out of hand, requiring the services of a pest control expert to exterminate them. Here’s a look at the pest control measures you might want to try:
Take advantage of the animal food chain
Get a pet. There are a lot of domestic animals that can help clear pests from your home and environment. For example, if you have a mice or rat situation, getting a cat might solve your problem since the cat will hunt them. You might be surprised to learn that some domestic animals are very effective at pest control.
Physical/mechanical methods
This is a method that involves the use instruments to control the number of pests. You can physically prevent the pests from entering a compound. For instance, a perimeter wall can be erected around a sugar cane plantation to prevent rats, mice and other pests from entering the farm, though this can be a little expensive depending on the size of the compound. This is not limited to farms and gardens only, you can also fence off your home.
Destroying breeding grounds
Improper disposal of waste may end up providing both food for pest. It’s advisable to destroy all insect breeding ground such as stagnant water. Keep the surrounding clean. Trim your lawn and try to maintain a neat environment.
Poison bait
This the use of poisoned food to control the pest population. This may be an effective means, but you might want to be really careful with poisoned bait. Use of poison has effects such that a pest that is killed by poison when fed on by other animals or pets can lead to death. Humans have also suffered from getting in contact with contaminated food.
Field burning
After harvesting of major cash crops such as sugar cane, perhaps you leave your farm or garden like that till the next planting season. Instead, you might set fire on it with the intention of killing rodents, insects or even eggs that might be present. This method is particularly effective if you have a large farm where the total cost of extermination might be too high. Save that money for use elsewhere
Use of pesticides
Pesticides can be either organic, natural or synthetically made with the purpose of killing or reducing their population. Not all pesticides will kill all species of rats, pests are classified into, herbicides used to control plant weeds, insecticides used for controlling insects, fungicides for fungi, insecticides meant for insects. Still the same pesticides are grouped based on the chemical content and the mode of their application. It’s important to note that, most of these pesticides can cause health problems. In the process of application, precaution measures should be taken, they can also harm innocent wildlife. It is highly recommended to get a trained expert to do this for you.
Treatment of space
In this method, liquid insecticides are sprayed in the atmosphere. It is most effective when sprayed within a structure since the longer it stays within the atmosphere the more effective it is. The method does not need vacuum or air tight structure. There is a drawback to this method, however, some pesticides might also cause minor health problems depending on the strength of the chemicals used.
Biological control
Biological pest control involves the use of parasites that infect pest. The intention of this is to kill or harm the pest. A good example of this mechanism is the braconid wasp and hornworm caterpillars. There might be a few things to watch out for with this method though. In the course of introducing parasites with the intent to kill pests, you may bring yourself a new and unwanted parasite problem. Under this method, when an organism is introduced into the ecosystem with the sole purpose to control pests, the organism might divert to your plants and cause undesired harm.
Remember, you do not have to deal with your pest problems all alone. If you need animal control in Toronto, we are here to help!