Buying A House: The Process Of Checking For Bats And Why It’s Important


Bat Removal Specialists

Bat Removal Specialists-Sande Wildlife Control

Before buying a house, it’s always a good idea to check for the presence of bats in it. This way, you can then have the issue handled either before you buy the property or before you move in.

Why is it important to get rid of the bats?

Bats are genuinely harmless creatures; they rarely bite humans and spread diseases such as rabies in only very few instances. In fact, most of the time, the bats will strive to stay out of the way of any human beings. They also provide a very useful function; they eat insects around the home. This means that when you have bats around the home, they can actually be beneficial and cause very little harm.

However, when they are in very large numbers, their presence could be a nuisance. For one, the droppings might result in you having to clean the house a lot more regularly in order to get rid of them. In addition to that, bat droppings tend to produce a musky smell that might make the home uncomfortable to live in, and might also be a source for some diseases such as some forms of pneumonia. For this reason, it would be a good idea for you to get rid of them especially when they are in large numbers.

What are the benefits of having the problem checked out before you move in?

When you have the problem assessed before you move in, it becomes much easier to handle them. For instance, if there were bat droppings all over the place, you could get a specialized cleaning company to thoroughly clean the house to get rid of them. The fact that the house will have been uninhabited at that point in time means that this process is likely to proceed much faster, and is likely to be a lot more effective.

The process of bat removal is also likely to be much faster when you have an empty house. For instance, if it’s decided that fumigation has to be done to scare away the bats, the fact that you will not have moved in yet means that this is likely to be less of an inconvenience to you.

What should the ideal pest control contractor do?

When you get a contractor to get rid of the pests, they are supposed to first asses the problem. This means finding out where the bats hide, and how many of them there are. They will then employ measure of removing them that conform with your locality’s laws. For instance, there are some regions in which you are not allowed to kill bats, so this would need to be adhered to. Lastly, the contractor would then need to seal all entry points to make sure that no more bats can get into the house in future.

The one thing you need to keep in mind is that when buying a house, it’s usually a good idea to assess whether or not it has a pest problem before committing to buy it. Bats are a particularly important pest that you need to watch out for using the guidelines above.

The Use Of Pest Traps: How You Can Get The Most Out Of Them

Humane Raccoon Removal

When you have a pest problem that you need to handle, one of the best ways of doing this is by using traps to catch them. Ideally, you need to ask an exterminator to provide and set the traps so that they work as effectively as possible. The reason for this is that there are many variables that need to be considered when choosing and using such traps, and making arbitrary decisions might not be wise. Some of the issues that have to be addressed include:

Finding the right trap for the kind of animal you want to trap

When choosing a trap, you need to keep in mind the kind of animal you hope to catch. For instance, you can’t use a bird trap to capture mice or a possum. This also means that in order to get this right, you need to be aware of the different kinds of traps that are available out there, and which one is most useful for the kind of animal you want to trap. By working with a quality pest control company, you can get all the information you need to get this done properly, which in turn means that it’s likely to be very effective. The alternative is usually needlessly expensive, especially when you get traps that don’t really work.

The lethality of the trap

You also need to consider how lethal the traps are. For instance, there are some that can result in instant death of the animal being trapped. Others are likely to cause very light harm, or none at all. When you are searching for a trap for pests, you need to figure out whether you need the pests killed or just captured unharmed, and then buying a trap that allows you to do this. It’s usually a good idea to go for the latter, since it is always recommended to go for more humane methods. You can then release the pest into the wild afterwards.

The legal regulations surrounding the use of traps

There are many legal jurisdictions these days which have laws that govern the use of different pest control methods, including the use of traps. For instance, there are some regions where the use of traps to capture specific animals is prohibited. To avoid any legal action against you, you need to find out what laws you need to follow when doing this, so that you don’t end up contravening any. Working with a high quality pest control company is one of the best ways of doing this.

Setting up the traps in the right way

If you are intent on using traps to capture pests, you need to get it done in the right manner. You need to use the right kind of bait for the trap, and also set it up somewhere where the pest can easily get to them. This usually means that you have to have some knowledge about the mannerisms of the pest involved. This is one more reason why you should involve a pest control expert in getting and using such traps.

A Quick Look At 5 Common Myths About Bats

Bats are considered to be pests in so many residential areas all over the world. They come in large numbers simply because they populate at a very fast rate. They really love to make residential areas their abode especially since they could easily find their way inside through small gaps and openings. Bats could really be irritating especially since they make a lot of noise. Also, they could leave a lot of droppings which could be difficult to clean up after.

Though a lot of people have seen bats and claim to have huge knowledge about them, there are still a lot of common myths about these creatures. Here are some examples:

Bats are blind

Bats are not blind but they do have a poor vision. They easily navigate through narrow and dark pathways without hitting themselves by using their sonar senses. They have to constantly make sounds so that they could be alerted about obstacles along their way. Bats might appear to be blind because they seem to always crash land. But this is simply because bats do not have a stopping mechanism like that of other flying animals.

Bats suck human blood

It is true that there are bat species which bite humans and suck on their blood. But such an occasion is very rare. Most of these so-called vampire bats would rather prey on livestock. Almost all bat species do not such blood and they would rather eat insects or even fruits.

Bats are vampires

This myth probably circulated because of the sole reason that bats suck blood the way vampires do. But there has not been any evidence to support this myth. Bats seldom enter windows and then bite on sleeping humans even if this occurrence has been depicted so many times in movies and TV shows.

Bats carry rabies

It is possible for bats to carry rabies because this fact has been documented. But the chances of bats in your area carrying rabies are very rare. In fact, in one thousand bats, there is a small chance that one of them carries rabies. Nevertheless, it is still practical to get rid of bats and prevent them from biting you.

Bats are afraid of light

There are some who try to prevent bats from entering their homes by keeping their lights turned on. Yes, bats can be sensitive to light. However, keeping the lights in the attic or basement on does not stop the bats from dwelling there. Bats can really be stubborn especially if they have already become comfortable with their nest.

These are myths that need to be corrected. The major truth about bats though is that they could really be pests. Thus, if there are bat colonies who love to hang out within your home, it is important to consider bat control services. Sande Wildlife Control is a company which specializes in bat control and removal. We specialize in effective and humane ways on dealing with bats and other pests including raccoons, opossums, pigeons, and a whole lot more.

Preventing Skunks From Entering Your Property

Skunks – what do you know about these creatures? Well, pop culture has depicted skunks in a nice and adorable way. You might have grown up watching Bambi and his friend skunk, Flower. You might also have seen that cartoon of a skunk with a French accent and always find himself serenading or romancing cats and other animals. Aside from their repulsive smell, you might not find skunks as something that you should be concerned about. But you might want to change your opinion about these creatures.

Why prevent skunks from entering your property?

There is more to skunks than their repulsive smell, of which should be a concern already. Skunks could enter your garden, eat your vegetables, and even ruin your beautiful plants and flowers. They could also nest within your property and even breed within it. They could leave a lot of poo droppings which should be a health concern. The worst thing that skunks could probably do is to die within your property. Their dead carcasses could really create a bad odor and it is not safe for you or any member of the household to inhale it. These are the reasons why you should prevent skunks from entering your property.

How to discourage skunks from entering your property?

There are a number of ways on how you could discourage your skunks from entering your property. This is so that they would not cause the nasties which have been mentioned earlier.

• Place mothballs – Do you have a pack of unused mothballs lying around in your home? Why not take them out and spread them in the exterior areas of your property. Skunks, like other animals, have a very strong sense of smell. They usually get repelled by the smell of mothballs.

• Plant squash around your property – One thing that some homeowners do to prevent skunks from entering their property is to plant some squash around it. Skunks love squash. However, they seldom cross rows of planted squash because squash leaves irritate their skin.

• Prevent insects from populating – Skunks usually raid properties in search for some food that they could eat. Skunks really love to eat worms, bugs, and other insects. Thus, if your property, has a lot of them, do not get surprised if a squash comes to your property one day. Get rid of these insects.

• Put up some traps – There are a number of traps that you could plant around your home so that skunks that happen to bypass your deterrents could be caught and then transferred to the wild. Traps could always be equipped with yummy baits such as cheese, peanut butter, or even pork.

Should you hire professional services?

It is important that you consider hiring professional services. Sande Wildlife Control specializes in skunk removal and elimination. We could make sure that skunks would not enter your lovely abode. If there happens to be skunks which died within your property and are emitting a very terrible odor, we could get rid of them as well.

Are You Tired Of Sharing Your Home With Uninvited Animals?

Many different types of pests and animals invade households all over the world. The creatures can make it very difficult for anyone to live in comfort in their own home. The thought of mice scurrying across your living room as you entertain guests can be very embarrassing. Many homeowners have to deal with different pests and it can sometimes be overwhelming. Fortunately, this is not something you have to deal with on your own. There are professional animal control services that can help to get rid of the uninvited creatures. There are several reasons to get professional services.

Raccoon Removal-Sande Wildlife Control

1.    One less thing to do

As a homeowner, there are many things to do around the home and if you have to spend time trying to locate pests and animals, you cannot accomplish much. By living the task to professionals, you can take care of other responsibilities that come with running a home. A mother with several children will not have time to properly care for them when she has to think about pigeons on the roof or raccoons under the porch.

2.    Have a healthy family

Another reason to get professional services is to ensure that your family remains healthy. Many pests and wild animals can lead to the spread of disease causing germs. When you are trying to keep your children healthy, you need to have the peace of mind that you do not have rodents lurking about your home. Experts have the equipment and techniques to make sure that you live in a pest free home.

3.    Safety for children

Parents want to be sure that their children are safe at all times. If your children cannot be safe in their own home, something is very wrong. Many people have fallen victim to attacks from wild animals and pests in the home. Trying to deal with pests or animals yourself can actually pose a risk to your family. Having poisonous chemicals around the home is dangerous, as you do not know what the kids can get their hands on. When you use professional services, you know that you are getting safe services.

4.    Prevent infestations

You do not have to wait until the situation is out of hand before getting professional help. It is a good idea to deal with animals and pests as soon as you see the signs. Having pests and small animals crawling all over your property can be a real inconvenience and it is also dangerous to the inhabitants. When you call the professionals at the first sign of trouble, they can deal with it before it becomes a huge problem. The professionals will also implement preventative measures to avoid future problems.

A home that is free of pests and animals is safe and hospitable. You will feel more comfortable having parties or entertaining guests when you know that your home is pest free. When you call us to take care of your animal problem, we can ensure that you enjoy doing what you love best. Call Sande Wildlife Control to rid your home of all unwanted animals.