The Amazing Tale Of Wandering Bugs

All of us at one time or another had the annoying experience of being bothered by wildlife pests. Be it a swarm of wasps, a stubborn raccoon or noisy sparrows, we have all been observing,  plotting and finally acting to make sure the uninvited animal guests get the message that the party is over and it is time to leave. But what about those pests that are seen less frequently?                                                                        Come, follow with us on the tale of the wandering bugs!


Something for nothing

A parasite is an organism that has a relationship with another organism (called the host) that benefits the parasite at the expense of the other. It is the closest one can come to finding a free lunch. If the parasite lives on the surface of the host they are called ectoparasites. Humans are not the only species that play host to uninvited guests. Bats live the same unfortunate life. They are hosts to ectoparasites called bat bugs and bat ticks. Bats on average have quite an easy life. They are active at night and roost in the daytime, often in attics or wall voids.

Other favorite areas for these nocturnal creatures to roost in are behind window shutters or even on a house’s exterior. In the early part of spring, after hibernating through the cold winter months, bats may leave their premises without including their parasites in their travel plans. In these cases, as well as when the bats are staying in but the parasite populations have become very large, the hunger pangs of the parasites overcome their innate laziness and they go off wandering to look for some additional warm-blooded hosts that they may feed on.

The tasty side of being a human

Whereas bat bugs and bat ticks, without any shadow of a doubt, have a special preference for feeding on the blood of bats they are not above feeding on tasty humans or some other warm-blooded animal when their normal host (the bat) is unable to satisfy their appetite. On humans, their feeding can result in bite reactions like swelling and even intense itching that some find very annoying. But since bat bugs are not known for transmitting any disease their bites are not considered dangerous.  Most of us, however, do not take kindly to being treated like a menu.

Get someone else to make the booking

The proven way to get back in the driving seat when it comes to wandering bat bugs and ticks is to find a way to eliminate the bats. This is not a task that should be lightly undertaken by anyone who recently became the top rated dish on the bugs’ cuisine card. Now is the time to call in the help of a professional and accomplished wildlife control organization. They know how to seal cracks and holes and when structural modifications may be required. They can tell whether it may be helpful for a residual insecticide to be applied to areas where bats roots. Give them a call and let them organize a one way ticket for those wandering bugs.

A Look At Points Of Interest On Wildlife Control

When wildlife becomes a nuisance and they have to be selectively removed the term used is Nuisance Wildlife Control. Whereas many wildlife species will coexist with humans some become a risk of transferring disease or they can even cause damage to properties. This risk then has to be managed in a professional and humane manner.


Characteristics of species that become a nuisance

One finds that species which do not have to consume a specific food often become a nuisance as they adapt to eating discarded litter and food emptied into trashcans. Animals that are not perceived as a direct threat also tend to fall in this category. If not humans will downgrade their status and seek to eliminate them. If animals can easily adapt to fragmented habitats they also run the risk of being classified as a nuisance. Humans moving into certain areas where there is wildlife will increase the odds for discord. Animals that can survive in the same landscapes occupied by humans are initially often regarded as adorable. Their status diminishes to the degree that humans can tolerate the animals due to habits such as chewing cables or dirtying the environment.

Methods used to solve the problem

Excluding the animals from an area is a practical solution except when it interferes with their natural movement. Modifying the habitat by limiting access to water or food is another way to manage the problem. Repellents that lead to changes in behavior of the animals may also be considered. One can deter them from feeding on plants by using repellants with bad taste or odor.

However, animals often discover that the repellants are not really harmful and they become accustomed to the taste or smell. The use of frightening devices is also often considered by experts. These can be of an auditory nature such as whistles, bells, sonic emitters or the like. Visual stimulation may also do the trick as can be seen when using lights, windmills or reflectors. But animals often return as they become used to these devices when used on a daily basis.

Legal and ethical considerations

One should always remain aware that there are laws applicable to controlling the activities of any wildlife. If a nest or a den is occupied one is probably not allowed to disturb it nor may one directly harm an animal. These laws are enforced by wildlife agencies and all responsible citizens should comply with them. At the same time there are ethical considerations. Many species may not be relocated to an area that is lacking in proper food or where competing species proliferate. Relocation during spring may lead to starvation of the young and should be avoided. Euthanasia of animals is also a very sensitive subject.

All in all, one should rather contact professional organizations that are not only trained in all applicable techniques but also stay up to date with the latest laws and regulations. More often than not they will be able to come up with a practical solution that complies to existing laws.

Skunk Removal: Take Matters Under Control

Skunks wouldn’t be all that bothersome if they didn’t spray their nasty-smelling liquid, act as potential disease carriers and thieve when night comes around. Cute, furry creatures they may be but if you have children and pets at home they risk sustaining injuries or worse, contracting and spreading diseases.

Skunk removal is a task best left to professional animal control services. But in the absence of any or if you’d rather undertake the job yourself, you need to know how to get it done.

• Dispose trash properly and don’t miss garbage collection days. Skunks and other pests are drawn to food and any scraps they have easy access to will compel them to set up home in and around your house.

• Use a tight fitting garbage bin cover at all times. Skunks are nocturnal but if driven by hunger, may venture out during the day in search of food.

• Remove fallen nuts and berries which are also food for skunks. If you have fruit-bearing trees, harvest them when ripe and store appropriately.

• Uncovered compost heaps, easily accessible water sources, and grubs and insects under logs and leaves are attractants. Keep the yard clean.

• If you can, use floodlights to illuminate skunk-prone areas. Being nocturnal they’re likelier to avoid venturing out.

Bird Control Methods Proven To Be Effective

Birds are not considered pests until they overrun our surroundings, enter our homes and decide that our abodes are also theirs. As beautiful and carefree as they may be, the phobias we have as well as more serious threats like the spread of disease mean that we need to come up with control solutions to force them to move.

Humane deterrents exist which have proven to be effective. The use of tools is common as is repellent sprays, not toxic but containing agents they can’t tolerate. Relying on poisonous sprays is counterproductive because even if they successfully kill the birds, we’re at risk of inhaling the chemicals.


Alarms in the form of distress calls, visual objects or a combination of both can be installed in areas that attract birds. To ensure they continue to be effective, use them together with the other tools in this list.


Prevent birds from perching and roosting on ledges, tops of walls and other landing areas by having spikes fitted. Occasionally check these areas to remove leaves or twigs the birds may have laid over the spikes.


Birds don’t set up home just anywhere but choose locations they deem to be safe. These include places like open ceilings with beams, under eaves, rafters and the like. Installing nets in these areas is an effective way to prevent them from landing.

Wildlife Control Businesses in your area

If you have a wild animal of some sort in your home that you need to get out as soon as possible, it will be very important that you take the time to look for a good local business to hire for these services. Since there are going to be numerous wildlife control companies for you to choose from, it will be necessary to do some research so you will be able to select one in particular that can meet all of your needs.

You should make certain to hire a licensed business to remove the wild animal that is currently in your home, as it will be important to hire professionals for this sort of job. It will also be necessary to find out how much experience each business has when it comes to trapping and removing wild animals from private residences. If you are on a budget and concerned about the cost of wildlife control services, it will be important that you get quotes from numerous businesses until you can find one that charges a reasonable amount. The more time you take to do this research, the closer you will come to getting a good deal on these services.